This is now a multi-page template with a landing page, signup, login, pricing, and welcome page. The landing page includes a hero section, navbar, fully responsive design, sticky sections, awesome scroll interactions, infinite client testimonials, footer, and a looping animation at the bottom. All of the copy is a placeholder & the images are from Pexels so this project is 100% yours as soon as you hit clone!
Description from Webflow:
Happy Thursday!
I took some time to revise one of Diego Toda de Oliveira's open-source projects and added Memberstack to it.
This is now a multi-page template with a landing page, signup, login, pricing, and welcome page. The landing page includes a hero section, navbar, fully responsive design, sticky sections, awesome scroll interactions, infinite client testimonials, footer, and a looping animation at the bottom.
All of the copy is a placeholder & the images are from Pexels so this project is 100% yours as soon as you hit clone!
If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below. Thanks!
Tags from Webflow:
membership, memberships, webflowmemberships, memberstack, subscriptions, billing, recurringbilling, subscription, userlogin, user, member, members, freebie, login, signup, logins, cloneable, clone, free, pricing, pricingtable, featuretable, comparison, upgrade, subscribe, tabs, responsive, password, email, reviews, testimonial, testimonials, boxshadow, mission, sticky, stickyblocks, stickycolumns, scrollinteraction, scrollanimation, infinite, infiniteloop, animation, animations, template, freewebflowtemplates, landingpage, landing page, landingpagedesign, webflowlandingpage, navbar