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Build Custom Map with Map Image and Webflow CMS

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Abi Rana
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Description from Webflow:  
Initially shared on a build session with This trick is how to build a custom map integration where you can plot different map locations. This trick just take advantage of using CMS data in embed block. Very easy to implement and omit the burden to integrate any third party services. Should cover many use cases. In tablet view and below, hover effect is disabled but the map list will be visible below. And another trick is that you can click on the map pointer/marker and it will scroll to that item position. Trick is just to apply ID on the map item. Hover effect it done with custom CSS but that can also be done with Webflow interaction, interaction is also included in this build but not used.
Tags from Webflow: 
map,  custom code,  interaction,  howto,  tutorial,  animate,  custommap,  interactive,  nepal