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Profile Display + Click To Edit

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4 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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Description from Webflow:  
I've seen this experience in a ton of platforms - you go to your profile page and can simply view your info - nothing is editable until you click an edit button. That's exactly the experience I wanted to build here - everything looks like simple text displaying your information, but when you click one of the edit buttons, all of the fields become editable. When you save that section, it will go back to the "uneditable" state. Enjoy!
Tags from Webflow: 
profile,  profileform,  profilecard,  publicprofile,  memberstack,  membership,  memberstack2,  memberships,  webflowmemberships,  member,  members