Clone Project

Font Preview

Created by
Pavel Konrad
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No Name
4 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
No Name
2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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Description from Webflow:  
This code snippet is a sophisticated solution designed for Webflow projects, aiming to empower users with dynamic text customization capabilities directly within the Webflow Designer interface. It cleverly combines CSS for custom styling of range inputs and JavaScript for interactive text manipulation, offering a seamless experience for adjusting font size, line height, color, and weight. This approach aligns with the no-code philosophy, allowing designers and content managers to implement and control advanced styling features without the need for traditional coding.
Tags from Webflow: 
font,  nocode,  low-code,  zero-code