Clone Project

Free Cloneable JavaScript Tools

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Mindtrades Consulting
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4 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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Description from Webflow:  
This is a simple loan calculator that allows the user to input values for the loan amount, annual interest rate, and loan term (in months) and calculates the monthly payment. It's built using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The HTML sets up the structure of the calculator with input fields for the loan amount, annual interest rate, and loan term, and an output field to display the monthly payment. The JavaScript function "calculateLoan()" is called when the user clicks the "Calculate" button. It gets the values of the input fields and performs the calculation of the monthly payment using the formula. The result is then displayed in the output field. The CSS is used to style the elements of the calculator, such as the input fields, labels, button, and output. The CSS styles are applied to the HTML elements using class and id selectors.
Tags from Webflow: 
javascript, customcode, customjavascript, calculator, loancalculate