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Webflow Logic - Marketing Site with Pricing Estimator

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KC Katalbas
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Description from Webflow:  
Note: In order to fully leverage this cloneable, you need access to Logic beta. Anyone can sign up here: This is a cloneable project for marketing sites with a lead capture form, in this case a pricing quote generator for a photography studio. This project was built to demonstrate a common use case for Webflow Logic (currently in beta) --lead generation. One example of what you can automate with Logic is: User submits a form > conditional rule > HTTP request to create a new entry in Airtable. In fact, this logic flow is already built out in this site for your reference! Logic brings the power of automation natively in Webflow, providing the building blocks for customers to create more impactful end-to-end experiences within their sites. You can keep an eye on to stay updated.
Tags from Webflow: 
logic, automation, form, submission, leads