Clone Project

Podcast Reco | Dynamic Filtering

Created by
Jon Larson
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4 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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Description from Webflow:  
The purpose of this project was to build a complex filter system using the Finsweet CMS library, Finsweet client-first system, and the Airtable NoBull app integration. I collected data from free ‘best podcast’ articles and analyzed how many mentioned the same ones. Then I collected and joined data from ListenNotes to complete an informative database. Data was pulled at the end of August 2021 and will be outdated soon.
Tags from Webflow: 
finsweetcmslibrary, finsweetclientfirst, podcasts