Shiny x Tasks is a micro-task management app.
🚫 No embeds
⚡️ Fully Reactive
🧱 HTML Attributes
👀 State management
🌐 API (loads dummy tasks)
💽 Local storage (create and update)
* Description *
You can extend this cloneable and build your own task management application or combine it with no-code membership platforms like Outseta or Memberstack to build a SaaS application.
If you're looking to store tasks in an external database such as Airtable or Baserow you will need a no-code backend.
🚀 Check out our flagship product to deploy APIs
* Disclaimer *
This cloneable is intended for JavaScript developers as it uses complex concepts such as reactivity.
* Credits *
Mast (CSS)
Shard Icons (SVG)
Shiny Framework (JS)
JSONPlaceholder (Dummy API)
Designed by Will Neeteson
Tags from Webflow:
shinyframework, javascript, reactivity, microapp, webapp, tasks, todo, api
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