Clone Project

The Alps

Created by
Alex Hartan
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Description from Webflow:  
I haven't done this in months, and now I realize how much I missed it! For the last couple of years I've been publishing free micro-sites regularly, as a fun way to explore my curiosity, learn different techniques and showcase my work. But recently, between family time, client work, and working on my business I've barely had time for these fun exercises in creativity. But not any more!! ✋ Today I am challenging myself to post one of these sites and share it for free, every week. This week we explore a parallax technique that was invented by Walt Disney in 1933: the Multiplane Camera. This is an ingenious way to simulate depth, using layers that move at different speeds. If you're a nerd like myself, feel free to clone the project and see how it's built. 🤓 Also, don't forget to Like and hit Follow to see more of these websites in the future.
Tags from Webflow: 
parallax,  Webdesign,  Freebie,  Animation,  animated,  Interactive,  Immersive,  Mountain,  Explore,  climbing,  hiking,  Microsite,  minisite,  Brand,  Branding,  Expansive